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Institute of Epilepsy

Li Luming

Li Luming
Li, Luming
Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Neuromodulation technology
Tsinghua University, Beijing    BS    07/1991    Mechanical Engineering

Tsinghua University, Beijing    PhD    07/1996    Material Science and Engineering

Personal Statement
I have the expertise, skills and experience required to successfully complete this project. I have extensive training in Biomedical Engineering and in the development of novel neuromodulation technology.
My main interests include neuromodulation technology for manned-space missions and implantable neuroprosthetics. As a leader of a multi-disciplinary research group at Tsinghua University, China, I have designed and invented a novel deep brain stimulation (DBS) device for patients in developing countries. Following nearly 10years of research and development, the DBS device I designed and created in China has been certificated by the Chinese FDA. I have designed and created the first implantable and re-chargeable neuromodulation device in China, which was certificated in July 2014.From my research, I have published over80 research papers and developed 100 patents, of which include 4 USA patents. I have also attracted more than 30research grants/contracts from the government, states and in industry.
Positions and Honors
Positions and Employment
1996-1998    Mechanical Engineering Department, Tsinghua University Deputy Director, Lecturer
1998-1999    Surrey Space Center, Surrey University, UK
1999-2003    Mechanical Engineering Department, Tsinghua University, Associate Professor
2003-2004    Mechanical Engineering Department, Tsinghua University, Professor
2004-    Institute for Man-Machine-Environment Engineering Research, School of Aerospace Engineering, Tsinghua University, Director, Professor
2011-2016    Chair, Aeronautics and Astronautics Department, School of Aerospace Engineering, Tsinghua University, Department Chair, Professor
National Engineering Laboratory for Neuro-modulation, Director, Professor
School of Aerospace Engineering, Tsinghua university, Executive Dean, Professor
Other Experience and Professional Memberships
2007    Expert group member for China's manned space development strategy and advance research in space medicine
2007    Expert committee member for lunar exploration and scientific applications
2009    Member of the international steering committee of the international symposium for applied electromagnetics (ISEM)
2009    Vice President for the space medicine and space biology society China
2009    Editorial board member for non-destructive Testing
2010    Committee member for Medical Neural Engineering of the Biomedical Engineering Society China
2010    Vice President of the Chinese Neuromodulation Society
2010    Editorial board member of Space Medicine and Engineering
2012    Member in the Alliance for Innovations in Neural Technology
2012    Vice chairman of Electrical nerve stimulation for Research and Treatment Beijing
2014    Chief Scientist of DBS in China
2006    Century talent in The Ministry of Education China
2010    Patent award, Higher research outstanding achievement of The Ministry of Education China
2011    National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars of National Natural Science Foundation  China
2012    Cheung Kong Scholars Professor of The Ministry of Education China
2012    Top Ten Science & Technology Advances of Chinese College”, The Ministry of Education
2014    Leading talent of Beijing, China    
2015    Advanced worker of Beijing, China
2015    Science and Technology Award of Beijing, China
2015    Science and Technology Progress Award of China
2015    Huang Jiasi Biomedical Engineering Award of China
2015    Excellent Patent Award of China
Contributions to Science
1.MRIcompatibleimplantable electrode on DBS. The MRI compatible implantable electrode is my most recent interest. MRI is an important diagnostic means for DBS surgery. The subthalamic nucleus, the main target of DBS for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease, is a small neuroanatomical structure. The efficacy of DBS surgery depends highly on accurate electrode localization. An intraoperative MRI check of the electrode positioning for determining accurate placement is necessary and deemed safe under strict monitoring and imaging controls.
a.    Changqing Jiang, Xiaolong Mo, Jianqi Ding, Yantao Dong, Feng Zhang, Hongwei Hao, Luming Li*. A deep brain stimulation lead design to reduce radio frequency heating in MRI. Electronics Letters. 2014,50(25):1898-1900.
b.    Changqing Jiang, Xiaolong Mo, Yantao Dong, Fangang Meng, Hongwei Hao, Jianguo Zhang, Xiqiao Feng, Luming Li*. An Experimental Study of Deep Brain Stimulation Lead Fracture: Possible Fatigue Mechanisms and Prevention Approach. Neuromodulation: Technology at the Neural Interface. 2014, DOI:10.1111/ner.12229.
c.    Changqing Jiang, Hongwei Hao, Luming Li *.Artifact properties of carbon nanotube yarn electrode in magnetic resonance imaging. Journal of Neural Engineering. 2013, 10: 026013.
d.    US 2013/749649, Methods for making implantable lead and medical device.
e.    US 2013/749653, US50980, Implantable lead and medical device using the same.
f.    US 2014/0288618, Implantable biological electrode and medical assembly including the same.
g.    ZL201410307770.0, An MRI compatible implantable electrodes.
h.    ZL201510025928.X, An MRI compatible implantable medical devices.
i.    2012-2015 Principal Investigator, “Research on the carbon nanotube electrodes and its characteristics with MRI ”Funding: Ministry of Education, China.

2. Design of an implantable EEG device. I have designed an implantable EEG device based on my years of experience in developing DBS devices. This novel device not only provides therapy but also collects vital measures in neural activity, allowing it to be employed as an important scientific research tool. Method shave been proposed to remove the DBS artefact to keep the physiological signals in local field potentials (LFPs) recorded during concurrent DBS. This system maximizes the efficacy of such methods by associating the synchronized neural activity variability that is directly affected by stimulation with the therapeutic parameters utilised. This valuable research tool may also be applied to other therapies of electrical nerve stimulation.
a.    Xing Qian, Hongwei Hao, Bozhi Ma, Xiongwei Wen, Chunhua Hu, Luming Li*.Implanted rechargeable electroencephalography (EEG) device. ELECTRONICS LETTERS. 2014, 50(20): 1419-1421.
b.    Xing Qian, Hongwei Hao, Bozhi Ma, Xiongwei Wen, Chunhua Hu, Luming Li*, Roy Yuen-chi Lau, Xia Guo. Programmable and implantable neurostimulator with novel stimulus waveforms for rat models. ELECTRONICS LETTERS. 2012, 48(17).
c.    ZL 201410481800.X, Closed-loop nerve stimulation system.
3.Vagus nerve stimulation(VNS) for numerous disorders. In a broader area of research, we are developing VNS therapies for treating both mental and nervous disorders. These include intractable epilepsy, depression, heart failure and various metabolic disorders. In this field, we have made a number of original contributions on devices and mechanisms in treatment. These methods may be adopted in the clinic in the near future.
a.   ZL201410638552.5, Implantable spiral electrode and manufacturing method.
b.   2012-2014Principal Investigator, “Neuromodulation methods and product development for the      treatment of epilepsy ”Funding: State Science and Technology Support Program, China.
4. Traditional high frequency stimulation (HFS). HFS of the subthalamic nucleus (STN) provides consistent, long-term benefits for the cardinal motor signs in Parkinson’s disease (PD), improving symptoms such as bradykinesia, tremor and rigidity. Freezing of gait (FOG) has responded poorly to HFS and tends to continue to deteriorate over time. However, FOG can be alleviated by relatively low frequency stimulation (LFS). While neither of the HFS or LFS treatment stimulation alone allows for the optimal clinical benefit in PD patients, variable frequency stimulation (VFS), where the stimulation frequency alternates between high and low frequencies, may be the most ideal method for symptomatic treatment in PD.
 a.  Fumin Jia, Yi Guo, Sen Wan, Hao Chen, Hongwei Hao, Jianguo Zhang, Luming Li*.Variable frequency stimulation of subthalamic nucleus for freezing of gait in Parkinson’s disease. Accept by parkinsonism and related disorders.  2015.
5.Wireless power transfer. Wireless power transfer makes it possible to treat brain disorders for long periods of time by providing a continuous energy supply to neurostimulators. However, thin metal sheets (e.g. PCB copper layers and device cases) are often located in the coupling paths, reducing the energy transfer efficiency and increasing device heat. To improve the energy transfer efficiency and to reduce device heating, I have investigated the magnetic coupling parameter optimization and the use of etched fractal patterns in metals. Furthermore, I have developed a re-chargeable neurostimulator with H-shaped fractal slots in PCB copper layers.
a.    Qingfeng Li, Shaobo Chen, Weiming Wang, Hongwei Hao, Luming Li*. Improving the efficiency of magnetic coupling energy transfer by etching fractal patterns in the shielding metals. Accept by Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering. 2015.
b.    Qingfeng Li, Shaobo Chen, Weiming Wang, Hongwei Hao, Luming Li*. Rechargeable neurostimulator with H-shape fractal slots in the PCB copper layers. Accept by Electronics letters, 2015.
c.    Qingfeng Li, Shaobo Chen, Weiming Wang, Hongwei Hao, Luming Li *.Characteristics of the induced voltage between deep brain stimulation (DBS) device electrodes by a transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) device. Accept by Science China Technological Sciences, 2015.
Research Support

2015-2017 Principal Investigator, “R&D and industrialization on rechargeable implantable ‘DBS + EEG’”.
    Funding: Ministry of Education, China
2015-2017Principal Investigator, Study on the mechanism and method of neuromodulation.
Funding: State Science and Technology Support Program, China
2014-2017 Principal Investigator, Training project on Science and Technology talent leader of Beijing, China.
Funding: Beijing municipal Government Support Program, China

2012-2015 Principal Investigator, “Study on the deep brain stimulation”.
    Funding: National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, National Natural Science                 Foundation of China
2012-2015 Principal Investigator, “Research on the carbon nanotube electrodes and its characteristics with    MRI”.
    Funding: Ministry of Education, China
2009-2015 Principal Investigator, “R&D on the nerve stimulator Series of products”.
    Funding: Enterprises and institutions commissioned projects
2012-2014 Principal Investigator, “Neuromodulation methods and product development for the treatment of     epilepsy”.
    Funding: State Science and Technology Support Program, China
2011-2013 Principal Investigator, “Feasibility and biological interface property study on MRI compatibility deep     brain stimulation lead based on Carbon Nanotubes”.
    Funding: National Natural Science Foundation of China
2011-2013 Principal Investigator, “Research on the method of implantable electrical stimulation against disuse     bone loss”.
    Funding: National Natural Science Foundation of China
2011-2013 Principal Investigator, “R&D on the electrical stimulator for the brain”.
    Funding: State Science and Technology Support Program, China
2009-2011 Principal Investigator, “ Research on rechargeable technology for implantable device”.
    Funding: Ministry of Education, China
2009-2011 Principal Investigator, “Research on the Clinical Trials of Deep Brain Stimulator”.
    Funding: Beijing Science and Technology Commission
2008-2011 Principal Investigator, “Initial research on the Physiological signal device, Mass measurement and     neuromuscular stimulation and the reader for astronauts”.
    Funding: Manned-Space-Mission Project, China
2006-2008 Principal Investigator, “Research on the Deep Brain Stimulator for Parkinson's disease”.
    Funding: State Science and Technology Support Program, China
2006-2008 Principal Investigator, “Research on the implantable electrical stimulation therapy system”.
    Funding: State Science and Technology Support Program, China
2006-2008 Principal Investigator, “Research on the key technologies and demonstration of lifeline engineering    and special equipment security”.
    Funding: State Science and Technology Support Program, China
2006-2007 Principal Investigator, “Research on Physiological signal test device, Mass measuring instrument    and Neuromuscular Stimulator for Astronauts”.
    Funding: Manned-Space-Mission Project, China