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Institute of Alzheimer disease

Ying HAN

Ying HAN
Ying HAN, M.D., Ph.D.
Professor and Supervisor for doctor candidates
Chief Physician, in the Department of Neurology, XuanWu Hospital of Capital Medical University

PI, Center of Alzheimer’s Disease, Beijing Institute for Brain Disorders
Dr. Ying HAN, Professor in Neurology, Graduated from Harbin Medical University, Medical Department in 1988. Went to France to study Alzheimer's Disease with neuroimaging at the department of neurology at the Second University of Lille, Hospital Roger Salengro de CHRU, meanwhile served as the Chairman of the Federation of Chinese Students and Scholars in Lille from 2000 to 2001, selected by the State Board of Education of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in France. While studying in France under the tutelage of Professor Florence Pasquier, the international renowned expert in Alzheimer's disease (AD), the director of the Department of Neurology and the memory center, who is one of the coauthors for the diagnosis criteria of AD by NINCDS-ADRDA 2007, 2010, and 2014. Received a doctorate on development and education psychology in the National Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning, Beijing Normal University in 2008.
As Project Leader, carried out a research entitled "ultra-early diagnosis and treatment of ischemic cerebrovascular disease -an fMRI applied research" in 1999, the subject was supported by the Beijing Youth Science and Technology Backbone Developmental Fund. Another research in 2002 "ultra-early magnetic resonance diffusion and perfusion imaging study of cerebrovascular disease" was supported by Beijing Returning-back Scholars Project Start-up Fund. As a Principal Investigator held the general program supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (30970823) in 2009 and successfully finished this project in 2012. At present, she is holding another general program supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31371007).

She is engaged mainly in prevention, diagnosis and intervention research of Alzheimer's disease, especially the early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease by multi-modal magnetic resonance imaging techniques and follow-up study.
Three representative publications:
1.    Sun Y, Dai Z, Li Y, Sheng C, Li S, Wang X, Chen X, He Y, Han Y* Mapping Functional and Structural Brain Changes in Subjective Cognitive Decline: A Combined Resting-State Functional MRI and Structural MRI Study. Radiology. 2016, Mar 22:151771. (IF: 6.798)
2.    Han Y*, Wang J, Zhao Z, Min B, Lu J, Li K, He Y, Jia J*. Frequency-dependent changes in the amplitude of low-frequency fluctuations in amnestic mild cognitive impairment: a resting-state fMRI study. NeuroImage. 2011, 55(1): 287-295.(IF: 6.252)
3.    Li S*, Yuan X, Pu F, Li D, Fan Y, Wu L, Chao W, Chen N, He Y, Han Y*. Abnormal Changes of Multidimensional Surface Features Using Multivariate Pattern Classification in Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment Patients. Journal of Neurosci. 2014, 34 (32): 10541–10553. (IF:6.747)
Research Interests:
Longitudinal Studies on Subjective Cognitive Decline and Mild Cognitive Impairment due to AD Based on Multi-modal Magnetic Resonance Imaging

The aim of this direction is to screen and study pre-mild cognitive impairment group compared with cognitively normal control group, in order to realize early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease. Be prepared for the selective right time to intervene or to halt the progression of the disease in the near future, at least to predict pre-MCI converters for the early interference.

1.    Wang X#, Zeng Y#, Chen G, Zhang Y, Li X, Hao X, Yu Y, Zhang M, Sheng C, Li Y, Sun Y, Li H, Song Y, Li K, Yan T*, Tang X*, Han Y*. Abnormal Organization of White Matter Networks in Patients with Subjective Cognitive Decline and Mild Cognitive Impairment. Oncotarget. (accept)(IF: 5.008)
2.    Long Z#, jing B#, Yan H, Dong J, Liu H, Mo X, Han Y*, Li H*. A support vector machine based method to identify mild cognitive impairment with multi-level characteristics of magnetic resonance imaging. Neuroscience. 2016, DOI: (IF: 3.231)
3.    Li X#, Tang Z#, Sun Y, Tian J, Liu Z*, Han Y*. White matter degeneration in subjective cognitive decline: a diffusion tensor imaging study. Oncotarget. 2016, DOI: 10.18632/oncotarget.10091. (IF: 5.008)
4.    Chen G, Sheng C, Li Y, Yu Y, Wang X, Sun Y, Li H, Li X, Xie Y, Han Y*. Neuroimaging basis in the conversion of aMCI patients with APOE- ε4 to AD: study protocol of a prospective diagnostic trial. BMC neurol. 2016, 16 (1): 64. (IF: 1.961)
5.    Sun Y#, Dai Z#, Li Y, Sheng C, Li H, Wang X, Chen X, He Y, Han Y*. Mapping Functional and Structural Brain Changes in Subjective Cognitive Decline: A Combined Resting-State Functional MRI and Structural MRI Study. Radiology. 2016, Mar 22:151771. (IF: 6.798)